- While updating SAPJVM<X> using Software Update Manager (SUM), below error message occurs:
SAPJVM AIX_PPC64 (not present in the system)
Rejected due to following reason(s):
� 004 : Component AIX_PPC64 cannot be installed
Component SAPJVM AIX_PPC64 is rejected: Previous version of component not present in the source system.
- SUM tool is not able to identify the SAP JVM installed.
This can be observed from the log excerpt in:
[Info ]: Detecting installed SAP JVM components...
[Warning]: Profile parameter DIR_CT_SAPJVM points to directory /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/jvm/rs6000_64/sapjvm_ but it does not exist.
[Warning]: Optional properties [/J2EE/StandardSystem/CentralInstance/SapJvmVersion] have not been detected because they are not available in file //cgi<SID>db/sapmnt/<SID>/SYS/profile/START_DVEBMGS00_cgi<SID>db.
[Warning]: ValidatorContainer not found because it has not been assigned to the controller. No validation will be done
[Info ]: Variable /J2EE/StandardSystem/CentralInstance/SapJvmCentralDirectory updated to value E:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\jvm\NTAMD64\sapjvm_ of parameter DIR_CT_SAPJVM.
[Info ]: Detecting parameters from //cgi<SID>db/sapmnt/<SID>/SYS/profile/SOE_DVEBMGS00_cgi<SID>db.
[Info ]: Process ID 188, name sappfpar has been started.
[Info ]: Command line: e:\usr\sap\<SID>\DVEBMGS00\exe\sappfpar all pf=//cgi<SID>db/sapmnt/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_DVEBMGS00_cgi<SID>db
[Info ]: Process ID 188, name sappfpar has been finished, exit code 0.
[Warning]: ValidatorContainer not found because it has not been assigned to the controller. No validation will be done.
[Info ]: Variable /J2EE/StandardSystem/CentralInstance/JDKHomeDirectory updated to value E:/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapjvm_4 of parameter jstartup/vm/home.
[Info ]: Detecting installed SAP JVM components...
[Warning]: Profile parameter DIR_CT_SAPJVM points to directory E:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\jvm\NTAMD64\sapjvm_ but it does not exist.
[Info ]: Finished detecting installed SAP JVM components.
The reported error has been most often found with SAPJVM4 SAPJVM5 and 6 patch update.
During update to Solution Manager 7.2 Java SPS 09 (SAPJVM 8.1), the error may also occur.
DIR_CT_SAPJVM, it does not exist, cannot be installed, AIX, WINDOWS, DETECT-SOURCE-COMPONENTS, SAPJVM, Previous version of component not present in the source system , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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