Administrators would like to know which automatic process (APM) controls sending notifications when an item or class is changed.
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SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
An item or class is modified and a notification is not automatically sent regarding the revision.
There is no automatic process to re-send revision notifications.
Once changes have been made to the class, notifications can be triggered as follows:
- Go to Learning Administration >
- Learning Activities >
- Class >
- Search the class to be changed >
- Make the changes to the class as per your business requirements >
- Once they have been saved, under the "Action" menu, select "Resend Registration Email Notifications" >
- The following warning is displayed to the admin >
- Select "Yes".
lms, learning, sf, SuccessFactors, class, resend, registration, change, date, time, edit, notify, revision, revise , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , LOD-SF-LMS-APM , Automatic Processes , Problem