In the Alert Monitor screen, in SNC WebUI, you face the dump ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY, program /SCF/CL_ALERT_NAVIGATION_ABS==CP, along with the message The key components of the duplicate entry have the values "{7401}" " " " "" ".
Error analysis:
An attempt was made to insert an entry into table "\CLASS=/SCF/CL_ALERT_NAVIGATION_ABS\DATA=GT_ALCATATYPAS". Updating unique table key "PRIMARY_KEY" resulted in a duplicate entry however.
The key in question could be either the primary key or a secondary key.
The key components of the duplicate entry have the values "{7401}" " " " "" ".
- SAP Supply Network Collaboration (SNC) - release independent
SAP, SNC, alert, monitor, amon, dump, /SCF/ALERTCATCFG, /SCF/ALCATATYPAS, PROM1, 7401, FORECAST, SCM_SNC_GEN_1, ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY, /SCF/CL_ALERT_NAVIGATION_ABS==CP, /SCF/CL_ALERT_NAVIGATION_ABS==CM005, CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR, The key components of the duplicate entry have the values, PRIMARY_KEY \CLASS=/SCF/CL_ALERT_NAVIGATION_ABS\DATA=GT_ALCATATYPAS, update, table, entry, duplicate, duplicated , KBA , SCM-ICH-AMO , Alert Monitor , Problem
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