In Analysis office, a local HTTP connection has been created to the SAP HANA server. While logging on you encountered the 403 forbidden error.
Or while you test the URL: http(s)://<server>:<port>/sap/bc/ina/service/v2/GetServerInfo with your hana system hostname and port information the same error occur.
SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office
Reproducing the Issue
- Select Insert Data Source Select Data Source... in the Analysis Office.
- Select Skip to go to the local system connections
- Select relevant HANA system's SID for logging on
No sufficient authorization has been assigned to the logon user.
Please use the "add button"(simbol:+) in following screen to assign role sap.bc.ina.service.v2.userRole::INA_USER to the HANA system logon user.
The role is contained in delivery unit HCO_INA_SERVICE, so you need to import delivery unit HCO_INA_SERVICE from server firstly.
Then double click above role and verify that the following object privileges are selected for it. The object privileges are Schema _SYS_BIC, Schema _SYS_BI and Schema _SYS_RT.
If the object privileges are not assigned here, then please use the "add button"(simbol:+) in following screen to add them.
After the authorization maintaince for this role, please use the "deploy" buttton(in the right side of following screen) to deploy the changes to the role and back to user maintainance screen (above screen) to deploy the changes to the user as well.
403, forbidden, AO, local HTTP connection, HANA, HCO_INA_SERVICE, user authorization , KBA , xsengine , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , How To