An attachment is created on the Purchase Order ABC by the user XXX.
When user YYY creates the Goods and Service Receipt for the Purchase Order ABC, system shows YYY as creator of the attachment.
You expect the system to show the user XXX as the creator of the attachment since XXX is the one who uploaded the attachment to the system at the first moment.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Goods and Service Receipts work center.
- Go to Purchase Orders to be Delivered view.
- Select the purchase order ABC.
- Select New Goods and Services Receipt.
- See that the creator of the attachment included in the receipt's item is shown as the creator of the receipt itself, not the user who uploaded the attachment on the purchase order.
When user YYY creates a goods and service receipt with reference to a purchase order, system copies the information from the purchase order, creating a new attachment.
Although the file is the same, it is a different instance, created by a different user, hence the system displays the user YYY as creator of the attachment on the receipt, not the user XXX who created it on the purchase order.
System is working as expected.
KBA , AP-GSP , Goods and Service Acknowledgement , How To