When you perform the system update/upgrade with SUM, during the phase "MAIN_TRANSEXEC/SUBMOD_PREP_DDIC_740/JOB_RUTSETRCST" of Execution step, the following error occurs.
# /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/log/RUTSETRCST.<SID>:
4 EAD010X"Technical Settings:" "/BIC/B0001918000" "successfully activated" " "
3 EAD010X"Technical Settings" "/BIC/B0001918000" ": Storage information
successfully set to" "C"
4 EAD010X"/BIC/B0001919000" ":Technical Settings" "N-Version was written" " "
4 EAD010X"Technical Settings:" "/BIC/B0001919000" "successfully activated" " "
3 EAD010X"Technical Settings" "/BIC/B0001919000" ": Storage information
successfully set to" "C"
2EEAD010X"/BIC/B0001922001" ":No Runtime object found" " " " "
In the log file RUTSETRCST.ELG, you can find the same log content.
In SE11, you can find the table is not at active status.
SAP NetWeaver
JOB_RUTSETRCST, RUTSETRCST, Software Update Manager , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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