After system update/upgrade, you need to delete the old tablespace. However, you find there are tables remaining in the old tablespace and you cannot delete it. You can refer to SAP Note 1819182.
For the tables listed in the SAP Note 1819182, you can perform the actions in "Solution" section of that SAP Note.
However, you may encounter some tables those are not listed in SAP Note 1819182, for example DDMTF_SAV and DDMTT_SAV. So you don't know how to deal with them.
This KBA applys to the system which uses Oracle or DB6 as the database.
Software Update Manager, SUM, tablespace, support package stack, ORA, exchange tabel, exchange tablespace , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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