SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2212020 - Automatic Determination for Account Relationship or Responsible is Not Happening When Creating New Sales Order


No determination for account relationship, for exmaple Sales Partner, happening in the new sales order, it just throws error message when you mark it as mandatory though the relationship is added in the account master data.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Account Management work Center.
  2. Select the Accounts view.
  3. Open the account ABC (ABC represents the ID of the account).
  4. Choose the button View All.
  5. Go to Contacts, then, Relationships tab.
  6. See that there is a relationship defined, i.e. Sales Partner.
  7. Choose the button You Can Also.
  8. Create New Sales Order.
  9. Choose the button View All.
  10. Choose the Involved Parties tab.
  11. The Sales Partner didn’t flow to the sales order, information needs to be add manually.


The Maintain Determination steps are not provided for some of the party roles, like Sales Partner, Competitor, Sales Employee. The activation or deactivation of the determination is only possible for the parties where the determination steps are provided. And, here it is not possible to add any determination steps.

(Refer Business Configuration work center - Overview view - search Involved Parties for Sales Order -  select Sales Partner - click Maintain Determination button and see that there are no determination steps available).

Now it is specified in the help document you have another note which says: "If a party role does not have any active determination steps, no party determination takes place, and the user must enter the party manually in the document." This means that for the party where determination steps are not provided, you have to enter the party manually in the business document. So, this is the expected behaviour for Sales Partner not getting auto determined.


 This is the expected System Behaviour.


KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , How To
