In some cases, queries with null-absorbing functions in predicates, such as CASE, COALESCE, IFNULL, will fail in s_bArrayLocater::PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookahead.
Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error will be detected with stacktrace while running certain queries.
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 ********************************************************
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 **
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 ** at slib/s_barray.cxx:4985 on thread 140423894693632 (TID 491)
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 **
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975
===== Thread Number 140423894693632 (IQ connID: 0000112975) =====
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707d746d2 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x32
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707d74d41 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707d76493 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x313
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb70842fd05 hs_ThrowIdxException(char const*, int, hs_idxexception::hs_idxerrors, s_index const*, unsigned int, char const*, char const*)+0x35
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707dcd800 s_bArrayLocater::PrefetchBatchFindPageInLookahead(unsigned long long, s_ridmap_rec*)+0x230
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707de5918 s_bArrayLocater::LoadPage(unsigned long long)+0x528
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707de5d31 s_bArrayLocater::LocateTokenRecord(unsigned long long)+0x111
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707fd80c0 hs_dpfetch::FetchToken(unsigned long long)+0x10
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb708a98dd7 vpp_FindIter::DoOneWorkunit(unsigned int)+0xad7
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb708a9988b vpp_FindIter::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int)+0x7eb
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707d4cc8a workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int)+0xba
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707d733e4 hos_thread::Main()+0x20a
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb707ce6c98 hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*)+0x58
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb87b899a8d IQWorkerStarter(void*)+0x4d
I. 08/18 02:24:33. 0000112975 pc: 0x7fb87bf859ad run_task_body+0x2d
- SAP IQ 16 GA and later
CR788809, CR 796947, CR796947 , KBA , non-fatal , stacktrace , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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