- dbunload is not working properly with "-ar" option. (e.g. dbunload -c "DBF=C:\TEST\test.db;UID=dba;PWD=sql" -ar )
- You can see the following error message on command line
Creating indexes
***** SQL error: Table 'table_name' not found
You already deleted the table and You can not find out the name of table in system table (SYSTAB, SYSIDX).
- You can see the following type of files on ".db" file directory because unload job did not finish properly.
e.g. db_name.dbR, db_name.logR
- SQL Anywhere 12,SAP SQL Anywhere 16, SAP SQL Anywhere 17
- SUP 2.1 ,SUP 2.2, SUP 2.3 (SMP 2.3)
In case, you are trying to unload and reload your "default.db".
unload, SA12, SA16, SA17, unload fail, Creating New Database, , KBA , MOB-SUP-RT , SUP Runtime , BC-SYB-SQA-ADM , SQL Anywhere - Admin tools , Problem
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