Only relevant when business function ISH_MAIN is NOT active
When implementing SAP security note 1775843 - Directory traversal in IS-H in utilities (reports) - some syntax errors are displayed which state that some fields are missing in table VBRK. The errors are:
- Include RNL26TOP The data object "VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHKOSTR".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "<(><<)>WA_VBRK>" does not have a component called "ISHLFDVV".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "<(><<)>WA_VBRK>" does not have a component called "ISHLFDVV".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "WA_VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHLFDVV".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "P_VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHEINRI".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "P_VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHFALNR".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "P_VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHKOSTR".
- Program RNUWSG01 The data object "P_VBRK" does not have a component called "ISHFALNR".
- Program RNUWSG01 No component exists with the name "ISHKOSTR".
- All products without Industry Solution Hospital (IS-H) / Branchenlösung Krankenhaus
All releases / releaseunabhängig
not contained, Security-Hinweise, Syntaxerror, Syntaxfehler , KBA , IS-H , Hospital , IS-H-PM , Patient Management , How To
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