You have configured multiple recipients at transaction SO28 and would like parallel processing for an incoming e-mail by the different groups at your Organization.
Your Customers(Business Partners) are encouraged to send e-mails to multiple recipients, such as:
> From: <Sender Address>
> To: <Recipient Addr[1]>; <Recipient Addr[2]>;… ;<Recipient Addr[n]>
> Subject: Multiple Recipients
"CRM Agent Inbox", "E-mail Workbench" nor "E-mail Status Overview" behave properly:
- Some of these e-mails might not reach the "CRM Agent Inbox".
- At "CRM Agent Inbox", these e-mails could be linked to multiple CRM Documents (e.g: IRec, ST, SR) and/or assigned to multiple groups ({Org.Units}).
- These e-mails' status could be inconsistent when compared against "E-mail Workbench".
- Statistics from "E-mail Status Overview" do not make sense.
- SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Customer Relationship Management
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
ICCMP_INBOX; CRMCMP_EMWB; CRMCMP_EMWB_OV; EmailStatusOV; StatusByEmailOV; StatusByOrgOV email multiple , KBA , CRM-IC-EMS-MON , Monitoring , CRM-IC-UNI , Agent Inbox , Problem
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