Hotfix installation failed on Afaria7 SP04, SP05 with following error message.
The following prerequisites must be installed before Afaria Server can be installed:
- Visual C++ 2012 Update 3 32-bit runtime (VCRedist_X86.exe)
- Visual C++ 2012 Update 3 64-bit runtime (VCRedist_X64.exe)
Installation will be aborted. Rerutn this installation after installing the above-listed prerequisites.
However, you already installed Visual C++ 2012 by cheking on "windows Control Pannel".
Afaria7 SP04, Afaria7 SP05
Windows 2008 R2 SP01
Afaria, Hotfix, VC++, VC 2012, VC updates 3 prerequisites , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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