- While in the DS Management Console the realtime services are seen to be down.
- The connection to the Access server is up and tests as valid.
- Job servers are correctly configured and assigned to the necessary repositories.
- Network communication between the jobs erver and the repository database server is good.
- The correct database client software is installed and working.
- The following is seen in the \AccessServer_1\error_<date>.log:
ERROR: Job Server(HOSTNAME:****):Can not connect to Job Server HOSTNAME:**** : Error: RWSocketError: in RWSocket::connect: CONNREFUSED. (BODI-300001)
SAP Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services 4.0 ; SAP Data Services 4.1 ; SAP Data Services 4.2
BODS , DS , real time , job server , won't start up , connection , BODI 300001 , can't run jobs , joliver, BODI-300001, logs location , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Problem
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