You are using PFCG to generate the profile for an authorization role, but the system terminates with a short dump like this:
- SAP NetWeaver Release-independent
- Kernel 7.20, 7.21, 7.38, 7.41, 7.42
- Oracle database
DBSQL_DBSL_LENGTH_ERROR, CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB, SAPLSUSB, Table, Tabelle, Error in module RSQL of the database interface, The length of a parameter (input/output) is invalid, UPD_USR10, UPD_USR12, Long field, Data types, STRING, RAWSTRING, LCHR, LRAW, MS01CD11_UPD_USR10, MS01CD11_UPD_USR12, RSQL/178/USH12, SAPLSUPRN 0602, SAPMSSY0 0120, PFCG, SAPLPRGN_TREE, SAPMSSY1, SU2X_COMPARE_ROLES_WITH_DEFLTS, MS01CD11_UPD_USR10, Rolle ändern: Berechtigungen, Rolle anzeigen: Berechtigungen, Profil zur Rolle, C E input length greater than bind variable [dbsloci.c#9896], Short dump, Shortdump, Error generating role, rc=9=DBSL_ERR_LENGTH , KBA , BC-SEC-USR-ADM , Users and Authorization administration , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , BC-DB-ORA-SYS , Database Interface / DBMS , Problem
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