You have finished the setup to enable withholding tax for a non-localized country according to the Localization Toolkit documentation, however you cannot find the withholding tax related work center views under Tax Management work center.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Tax Management work center
Notice that the withholding tax work center views are missing (Withholding Tax Base Amount Entries, Withholding Tax Returns and Withholding Tax Return Runs).
The scoping of business topic Withholding Tax is controlled by country. Currently the enablement of this business topic is tied to the scoping of one of the countries for which SAP has delivered dedicated withholding tax content.
In order to enable the withholding tax related views, in addition to your non-localized country already scoped you need to scope one of the countries for which there's dedicated withholding tax content available.
These countries are:
AU - Australia
BE - Belgium
BR - Brazil
CA - Canada
CN - China
EG - Egypt
ES - Spain
FR - France
GB - Great Britain
IN - India
IT - Italy
MX - Mexico
US - United States
Steps to be taken:
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Go to Implementation Projects view
- Select the First Implementation project and click Edit Project Scope
- Under Country section click Edit Countries
- From the Available Countries list, choose one country, select it and move to Selected Countries
- Click OK
Logoff and logon again and you should start seeing the withholding tax related views.
Remark: the obligation to scope one of the above countries in order to enable the withholding tax views is being reviewed. With the Business ByDesign 1602 release (expected for February 2016) this obligation may no longer exist.
See Also
Localization Toolkit page within SAP Business Center:
KBA , AP-SIP , Supplier Invoice Processing , How To