Software Update Manager (SUM) does not accept the password for SYSTEM user for Oracle database.
The below error is seen in the <Path to SUM>/abap/log/CHECKSYSPWD.LOG:
EXECUTING /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/brconnect -u -c -f dbstate -RDB
BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.20 (30)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-08-31 13.46.54
BR0262I Enter database user name[/password]:
BR0252E Function stat() failed for '<Path to SUM>/SUM/abap/tmp/sapprof' at location BrFileStatGet-1
BR0253E errno 13: Permission denied
BR0273E Determination of file status for <Path to SUM>/SUM/abap/tmp/sapprof failed
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-08-31 13.46.54
BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
SAPup> Process with PID 20185 terminated with status 3 at 20150831134654!
Maintenance / Upgrade of NetWeaver System running on Unix and Oracle Database
PREP_PRE_CHECK/PROFREAD, PROFREAD, SYSTEM, CHECKSYSPWD, brconnect, BrFileStatGet , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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