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2217187 - Error "Could not initialize SSL layer" causes a project failure to start - SAP ESP


  • SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1 is installed with secure socket layer (SSL) support.
  • For the cluster node, a name is provided containing UPPER CASE characters.
  • After starting the default cluster, projects fail to start with the following error message: 
         Application wait for status is started, but application current status is not started.
  • The server log also contains the additional error "Could not initialize SSL layer":

(27664) Platform::main() -- Starting initialization sequence.
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722005] (4.118) sp(27664) Associating connection to application
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722007] (4.126) sp(27664) Application successfully associated with connection
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722008] (4.126) sp(27664) Attempting to register application with cluster
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722011] (4.130) sp(27664) Application successfully registered
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722023] (4.130) sp(27664) The application successfully registered
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-722025] (4.130) sp(27664) Starting application heartbeats on new connection
| 27692 | container | [SP-2-722012] (4.130) sp(27664) Entering heartbeat loop
| 27664 | container | [SP-2-135001] (4.130) sp(27664) Platform::main() Could not initialize SSL layer.



  • SAP Event Stream Processor (ESP) 5.1 SP10 or lower
  • SSL enabled cluster
  • Linux or Solaris


SAP Event Stream Processor 5.1


Linux Unix symbolic link streaming processing , KBA , BC-SYB-ESP , Sybase ESP (Event Stream Processor) , Bug Filed

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