You are executing the G/L Account - Line Item report for Balance Sheet and Expense G/L account and you observe that Journal Entry Header Text and Journal Entry Line Item Text is same for Balance sheet G/L accounts, however for Expense G/L accounts the text is different.
Journal Entry Header Text and Journal Entry Line Item Text are characteristics in report.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to General Ledger work center.
- Reports view.
- G/L Line Item Report.
- Give the the Company ID, Account Period , Balance Sheet G/L account and Journal Entry type as Supplier invoice.
You observe in the G/L Account - Line Items report that Journal Entry Header Text and Journal Entry Line Item Text is same for Balance Sheet G/L accounts.
- Go to General Ledger work center.
- Reports view
- G/L Line Item Report.
- Give the Company ID, account period , Expense G/L account and Journal Entry type as Supplier invoice.
You observe in the G/L Account - Line Items report that Journal Entry Header Text and Journal Entry Line Item Text is different for Expense G/L accounts.
For Balance Sheet accounts the system derives the text from invoice description for both Journal Entry Header Text and Journal Entry Line Item Text, however, for Expense G/L accounts, the system derives the Journal Entry Header Text from invoice description and Journal Entry Line Item Text from Product description.
System behavior is as designed.
KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To