SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2218844 - SAP Jam: Notification email content is center aligned


  • SAP Jam notifications have all the text left aligned
  • In customize the email template, it is not allowed to change anything in the content area
  • The alignment of the content area changes to center


SAP Jam Collaboration

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Customize the e-mail template from Admin > Branding > Email Templates in SAP Jam
  2. Send a preview e-mail to self
  3. Note that all the content including the body (non-customizable) is center-aligned


  1. As Company Admin in SAP Jam, navigate to Admin > Branding > Email Templates
  2. Click “Edit” on the “Background & Page” section
  3. Add the following style to both the “Email Background Style” and the “Page Background Style”: “text-align:left;width:auto;”
  4. Click “Update”
  5. Click “Preview” to generate an e-mail; it should then be left aligned, even the center message portion


email notification, left align, email template , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-EML , Email Notification Issues , Problem


SAP Jam Collaboration all versions