- While running mvn clean install on the android module for Smartphone Mobiliser 5.1 SP03 you may receive errors similar to:
[ERROR] /C:/Smartphone Mobiliser 5.1.3.RELEASE/spm/android/odc/src/com/sybase/mobilisersmartphone/[some path]/[some name].java: [#, #] package does not exist
- The path and package will differ based on the file that cannot be found
- Also, there may be multiple files that cannot be found
- Another error that you should see to go with the error above is:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.0:compile (default-compile) on project odc: Compilation failure
- Sybase Mobiliser Platform 5.1
- Smartphone Mobiliser 5.1.3.RELEASE
Sybase Mobiliser Platform 5.1
pom.xml dependency dependencies groupId artifactId apklib odc lastupdated spm mobilizer , KBA , MOB-MCO-SM , Smartphone Mobiliser , Problem
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