When configuring an escape condition to handle requests with the error "Approver Not Found" and "Provisioning Failed"
Wanted to enable escape condition separately for two (2) workflow paths, example Path A and Path B. For path A it will route a specific type of request (example, all SAP type requests), while the path B will handle all non-SAP requests. Requests for each path will be processed by different admin groups. If a condition such as "Approver Not Found" or "Provisioning Failed" error occurs in path A, it should be routed to path B and vice-versa.
There is only a global Escape condition that applies to all workflow paths, so when there is an error in path A, it does not route the requests correctly to path B and vice-versa. How to resolve this issue without restoring to custom code?
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0
msmp, workflow, generate version , KBA , configuration , best practices , features and functionality , GRC-SAC-WF , Workflow , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , How To
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