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2219846 - How to configure Escape conditions for "Approver Not Found" and "Provisioning Failed" at the Stage level instead of Global.


When configuring an escape condition to handle requests with the error "Approver Not Found" and "Provisioning Failed"

Wanted to enable escape condition separately for two (2) workflow paths, example Path A and Path B. For path A it will route a specific type of request (example, all SAP type requests), while the path B will handle all non-SAP requests. Requests for each path will be processed by different admin groups. If a condition such as "Approver Not Found" or "Provisioning Failed" error occurs in path A, it should be routed to path B and vice-versa.

There is only a global Escape condition that applies to all workflow paths, so when there is an error in path A, it does not route the requests correctly to path B and vice-versa. How to resolve this issue without restoring to custom code?



SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 / 10.1 / 12.0


SAP Access Control 10.0 ; SAP Access Control 10.1 ; SAP Access Control 12.0


msmp, workflow, generate version , KBA , configuration , best practices , features and functionality , GRC-SAC-WF , Workflow , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , How To

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