You may want to get more information about authorization errors received in your ABAP system.
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NetWeaver Release-independent
Error message no. S#077, S# 077, You are not authorized to use transaction, 01584, 01 584, No authorization for this action, Authorization buffer, SU56, Missing, Lack of authorization, sy-subrc, Berechtigung, ST01, SU53, STAUTHTRACE, failed, authorization check, keine Berechtigung für, Berechtigungsproblem, Benutzerpuffer, fehlgeschlagen, Berechtigungsprüfung MR11SHOW, B_BUPA_GRP, VA23, S_TABU_DIS , KBA , BC-SEC-AUT , Authorization , BC-SEC-AUT-PFC , ABAP Authorization and Role Administration , BC-SEC-AUT-CHK , Authority Check and Traces , BC-SEC-USR-ADM , Users and Authorization administration , How To
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