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2219884 - Got crash at "stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1920" replaying tlvlog - SAP IQ


1. A secondary server crashed with "stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1920" while replaying tlvlog.

*** SAP IQ Abort:
*** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1920
*** PID: 1155
*** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
*** Thread: 248 (TID: 39)

2. Stacktrace
(4) 0xe0000001301cb440 ---- Signal 11 (SIGSEGV) delivered ----
(5) 0x0000000000000000 .PLT0 + 0x3ffffffffff030a0 [/usr/lib/hpux64/]
(6) 0xc000000016db9a70 _ZN10a_proc_def12FreeProcHeapEP8Databasej + ............
(7) 0xc000000016db7ec0 _Z14free_procedureP8DatabaseP10a_proc_defj + ............
(8) 0xc000000016dc8f90 _Z34Unload_all_procedures_and_triggersP8Database + ............
(9) 0xc0000000171373a0 _Z18drop_table_or_viewP11a_statementij + ............
(10) 0xc0000000171394b0 _Z13dbi_droptableP11a_statement + ............
(11) 0xc0000000175bcc10 _Z18DoExecuteBodyLocalP10ConnectionP6a_stmtP11a_statementP17a_stmt_identifierbjt + ............
(12) 0xc0000000175c2d30 _Z13DoExecuteStmtP10ConnectionP6a_stmtP11a_statementP17a_stmt_identifiertj + ............
(13) 0xc0000000173cd610 _Z19exec_procedure_stmtP10ConnectionP13a_context_refP11a_statementjj + ............
(14) 0xc0000000173d0e40 _Z13run_procedureP13a_context_refP12dfm_CallInfojP10Connectionj + ............

3. IQ message file
0000385593 ev_begintxn started
0000385593 Cmt 131530980
0000385593 PostCmt 124287519
0000385593 Txn 131530981 0 124287519
0000385593 Cmt 131530982
0000385593 PostCmt 0
0000385593 TxnWt 131530983 0 124287519
0000385593 **************************************************
0000385593 *** SAP IQ Abort:



SAP IQ 16.0 SP10 PL01 HPIA 64bit
3 Node Multiplex


SAP IQ 16.0


IQ, crash, "stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1920", "_ZN10a_proc_def12FreeProcHeapEP8Databasej" , "_Z14free_procedureP8DatabaseP10a_proc_defj", a_proc_def, free_procedure , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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