Adding a new DATA Volume to the database fails. In the following database logs you can see the messages:
- dbm.prt:
"INF 0 DBMSrv -914,New volume not accessible"
- KnlMsg:
"ERR IOMan 20053: Data volume number NN is out of range. Upper limit is XX,_FILE=IOMan_DataFileSystem+noPIC.cpp,_LINE=190"
(where NN = Number of the new DATA Volume and XX = Maximum Number of DATA Volumes this database can have)
All MaxDB versions on SAP NetWeaver (OLTP, liveCache, Content Server)
data volume, out of range, upper limit, -914, new volume not accessible, MaxDataVolumes , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , BC-SRV-KPR-CS , SAP Content Server , How To
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