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2221095 - Error 2708 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA server


BWA issues the error 2708 either in the SM37 job logs:


Or in the trex indexserver traces:

2708; Error executing physical plan: internal error when executing query on the fact table;BwPopAggregate pop1(0bw:bia:bpe:bic_finfocubeen),in executor::Executor in cube: 0bw:bia:bpe:infocube




SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator, BWA, SAP Business Warehouse, BW


SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator all versions ; SAP Business Warehouse all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions


Business Warehouse, BW, Business Warehouse Accelerator, BWA, 2.708, 2708, DBMAN 901, DBMAN 305, 901, 305, DBMAN, UCLP 080, 080, UCLP, DB 618, DB, 618, 00, 517, 00 517, temporary indexes, temporary, pop1, physical index, physical, task ended with error(s), task ended with error, job finished, Job finished, variant, Variant, finished, Error reading the data of InfoProvider, SM37, job logs  , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP , Analyzing Data , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , BC-TRX , TREX , BC-TRX-ENG , TREX Engine , BC-TRX-EXP , BOE Explorer - Accelerated , BC-TRX-INS , TREX Installation , BC-TRX-SES , TREX Search Engine Service , BW-BEX-OT-AGGR , Aggregates (Definition and Filling) , Problem

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