SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2221237 - FAQ in CO-PA (Part III. of note 553626)


  1. When is record type 'A' not created although incoming sales order is active in transaction KEKF?  
  2. How is the Goods Issue date filled in CO-PA?
  3. Why transaction KE4SFI doesn't work for reposting CO-PA document of the FI document created by the BAPI?
  4. How to avoid a dump (SYSTEM_IMODE_TOO_LARGE) during archiving of data from COEP (in case of account-based profitability analysis)?
  5. While creating an exception in transaction KEQ3 the warning message KE0C232 is issued. What are the implications if this warning is ignored? Also, what is the best practice for including a characteristic in transaction KEQ3?
  6. How to delete a predefined derivation step in transaction KEDR (error K/028)?
  7. Error KE0C 133 is issued for Product Hierarchy. How to prevent the error?
  8. Why a characteristic, for example KMVTNR (Sales employee) is not available in CO-PA Cycle definition (transaction KEU3, KEU2,KEU5)?
  9. Why CEST1-RKAUFNR (order) is not filled in the 'Origin data' tab of a CO-PA document?
  10. How to get group valuation in CO-PA?
  11. When is an entry made in table CEERROR? How to correct these entries?
  12. In which currency is Receiving Tracing Factor calculated in transaction KEU5?
  13. How to avoid balancing error (error message: GLT2201) during processing an assessment in transaction KEU5?
  14. You transfer a cost component split from a production or process order to CO-PA. Why is the production/process order number not available in CO-PA?
  15. Why does settlement of variances to CO-PA create 2 record types if both account-based and costing-based CO-PA / cPA is active?
  16. When posting in KE4S the flag for 'Redetermine profitability segment' is not ticked. Despite this a new PAOBJNR is created. Why?
  17. When posting in KE21N is there any difference on performance between posting 1 document with x lines or x documents with 1 line?
  18. ILM objects are generated only for archiving objects COPAA_XXXX and COPAB_XXXX, but not for COPAC_XXXX (XXXX is the operating concern). Why?
  19. After you perform the periodic valuation in KE27, rounding difference may occur comparing CO-PA (KE24) and material price analysis (transaction CKM3). How are decimal places handled in CO-PA?
  20. When is table CE4XXX_FLAG updated?
  21. How to exclude one company code from using Profitability Analysis when there are several company codes assigned to the controlling area?
  22. Why are changes made to a PA transfer structure in an Operating Concern / Controlling Area reflect in other Operating Concerns / Controlling Areas.



  • Controlling - Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)
  • SAP R/3
  • SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
  • SAP ERP Central Component
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
  • SAP S/4HANA Finance


SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Finance all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


FAQ, Frequently asked questions, häufig gestellte Fragen, COPA, Ergebnisrechnung, Warenausgangsdatum, Vorgangsart, Datensatz, Kundenauftrag, Ableitungsschritt löschen, Produkthierarchie, Fehler, Ausnahme, Transaktion, Empfängerbezugsbasis, Abrechnung von Abweichungen, Fertigungsauftrag-Abrechnung, Rundungsdifferenz, Nachkommastellen, periodische Bewertung, Objekt, kalkulatorisch, buchhaleterisch, doppelt, Tabelle, exclude, company code, BUKRS, Buchungskreis, deactivate, discontinue, ausschließen, ausnehmen, deaktivieren, ausschalten, abschalten, aufhören, KE0C133 , KBA , CO-PA , Profitability Analysis , How To

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