SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2221578 - A Crystal Report with number and special character overlapp each other when printed from a crystal report viewer using a .NET web application.


  • After printing a Crystal Report with phone number and special character for eg. "123-456-7890", the number 3 and the hyphen "-" overlapp each other.
  • Issue with Arial Font which has size 9 and 12.



SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Visual Studio


Development had a look at this issue and found this to explain why we cannot do anything about it:

Compared the workflow PrintOutputController.PrintReport() and PrintToPrinter(). The workflow for them are similar.
The only difference is that PrintToPrinter() (implemented in C#) depends GDIPlus while PrintOutputController.PrintReport() (implemented in C++) depends on GDI.

It’s not reproducible with PrintOutputController.PrintReport().

The letter width and the space between letters may be different for GDIPlus and GDI. There is nothing we can do for this issue.

For more info on the limitations refer to below link for detailed information.

As work around create your own Print button and use the PrintoutputController to do the printing from the viewer.


crystal reports for visual studio, character overlap, gdiplus, gdi, web .net, aspx,CR4VS,CR for VS,CRVS , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Bug Filed


SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio