This KBA article provides more information about User classification, LMS Commerce Order Types and their relation to generate new Order in Successfactors Learning application.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS) - All Supported Versions
Reproducing the Issue
- When price is associated to any Item or Class, when user register or order the item, an Order number will be generated for the same.
- There are five different Order types in Commerce. This article provides brief overview of it. Also it gives more information about User classification.
User Classification:
External Vs Internal Users:
If you go to User details page and click Related -> More-> Commerce, the field "Shopping Account Type" defines the user classification. If the "Shopping Account Type" is Internal, user is Internal user. If it is External, the user is External user.
Commerce Order Types:
- EVHST : When Admin records completion for user from backend and if the user has not paid for the offering before the learning event recording then Admin charge the amount to user while recording the completion from Admin side. The system use EVHST order type for this scenario.
- SEAT_ENROLL : When user/supervisor enrolls into class and pays for the same, then order type will be SEAT_ENROLL
- SHOPPING_CART : When external user pays for item or class then order type will be SHOPPING_CART
- SLOTTING : Admin can reserve slots from Admin side for offering and can pay for it for complete slot. System triggers SLOTTING order type in this case.
- INTERNAL : This order type is triggered when Internal user purchase course.
Item Types and Order Type Generation:
- Online Item:
For Online Item in case Internal user assign the course to himself, after clicking on start course, it will verify the Account code information of user and then creates order number for the item if it has Price associated to it. The Order type will be INTERNAL.
For External Users, the order type will be SHOPPING_CART. - Instructor Led Only Item:
Item will have class associated to it. The order type depends on how the user was registered into class. Please refer above explanation about the Order types. - Instructor Led and Online: (Blended Item)
In this case if the Internal user registers for class and completes it, the Order type will be SEAT_ENROLL.
If the item's class is not present in future and we have marked the online content settings to be set such that item will be marked as complete when online contents are launched, the Order type will be internal. If the user is External then Order type will be SHOPPING_CART. - Other:
When you select Other Item, you can create an item that does not contain time-slots in agenda nor online content (for example, reading a book). You can associate Task to item and Task may contain any activity which needs to be completed outside of LMS application. In the Summary area, you must provide all required information before the system allows you to continue. We recommend that you expand the additional options area to verify that the system-provided information is accurate and that you complete any additional information that is important to your company.
For Other classification, we still have option to add Online Content. If we have Online Content present in Other Item and price is associated to item, after completing the item the INTERNAL order type will be generated. If the user is External then Order type will be SHOPPING_CART.
Commerce, External user, Internal user, Order Type, online, scheduled only, scheduled and online, shopping cart, instructor led, ILT , KBA , lmsadminui , LOD-SF-LMS-COM , Commerce , How To