After a recently uploaded new PlateauThemes.rptlibrary (Plateau Report Library) file, what needs to be done to ensure the change takes effect?
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- Login to Learning Admin >
- Navigate to Reports (button in top right) >
- Under the "Reports" tab, click "Export Library" in the header >
- Make changes to the library as needed >
- Under the Reports tab, click "Import" >
- Choose the Report Library file >
- Select to Overwrite the existing Libraries >
- Click "Import" button >
- Note that reports did not pick up the new theme with logo or image.
Library files are cached on the server side and a reporting node restart may be needed to pick up the new library.
- The recommended approach is to plan Library updates just before bi-weekly patches where these node restarts are done by Operations Team bi-weekly during patches and customers are requested to check back after the restart as to whether the changes have taken effect.
- The new library file will then be loaded; Please clear any browser cache as well in situation where it is still showing prior data.
- For validated customers (VSaaS), after concluding the new logo addition/update process, please open a Support case under the "LOD-SF-LMS-SER" component to ask for a node restart.
NOTE: For PDF reports, the library used only supports jpg image of less than 32 bit depth. Beyond this limit, it might have issues in rendering in PDF format.
See Also
SF Success Factors Learning, LMS, report, library, plateau, lib, update, pick up, load, server, refresh, restart, theme, changes, new version, take effect, bootstrapPlateauThemes, PRD, VJDBC, logo, image , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , LOD-SF-LMS-DB , DB Data & Services , How To