SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2222795 - User updateOnNull for Custom Fields in SuccessFactors Learning


How does the UpdateOnNull command work in the User Connector in SuccessFactors Learning?


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration > CONNECTORS; if not existing, add below configuration rule:

sfuser.extendeduser.connector.updateOnNull=CustomColumns OR sfuser.extendeduser.connector.updateOnNull=COL_NUM10_VAL

  1. Apply Changes
  2. Place both user_data.txt and user_extended_data.txt file in the corresponding folder path of the used SFTP account
  3. In the user_extended_data file, the CUSTOM10 field contains no value in the data rows. Make sure that the corresponding user record has value for this custom field in LMS
  4. Schedule to run User Connector - SF
  5. After the User Connector - SF executes successfully, this user record still has value for this custom field in LMS and is not nullified


The updateOnNull feature has different options and can work differently between the User Connector & User Connector - SF even so within the two different files within the User Connector - SF, namely user_data & user_extended_data


  1. Ensure whether you are using the User Connector or User Connector - SF (also known as the SF User connector which is used with BizX integrated exports) and make sure fields are mapped accordingly:
  1. The configuration property as below to update on null (meaning the column in the file feed does not have any characters or blanks), using the term ‘CUSTOMCOLUMN_XX’ and the field number from UI (for COL_NUM10_VAL, the UI field number is 100), see KB article 2266821 regarding field mapping:

<connectorType>.connector.updateOnNull=CUSTOMCOLUMN_XX, "updateOnNull" should be in camelCase, the 'u' lowercase & the 'O' & 'N' uppercase.1,2

  1. The configuration property to update on null multiple fields. It is recommended to list individual mapped lines for each as above, but you can use comma separated values

e.g. <connectorType>.connector.updateOnNull=CUSTOMCOLUMN_10,CUSTOMCOLUMN_80,CUSTOMCOLUMN_150,

  1. The configuration property we should use if we want to update on null for all custom fields:

user.connector.updateOnNull=CustomColumns OR sfuser.connector.updateOnNull=CustomColumns1

  1. For the SF Extended User, if stating sfuser.extendeduser.connector.updateOnNull=CustomColumns, this will nullify all custom fields and not the ones only in the extended_user_data input file
  2. The configuration property to use to update on null for any/all fields:

user.connector.updateOnNull=ALL OR sfuser.connector.updateOnNull=ALL1,2


1The updateOnNull for CustomColumns with User Connector - SF is only supported for the 15 standard user custom fields provided in the user_data employee export file and not the user_extended_data provided by the Live Profile export and therefore is not supported to use in sfuser.extended.connector.updateOnNull although it may be used by partners for one-time functionality2, but it is still recommended to use the individual or multiple field configuration lines

2updateOnNull is not designed for permanent use with the User Connector - SF and is recommended to only use individual column names as needed and to work with your implementation partner on using dummy values or adjusting the file feed instead, please see Update on Null for User Connector - SF and Termination Date Processing for User Connector - SF for these exceptions

See Also

 KB article 2266821 - Nullifying custom fields via User Connector


sf, success factors, lms, learning, custom column, user connector, usersf user, CUSTOMCOLUMN, updateOnNull, extendeduser, null blank, field , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CON , Connectors , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions