Could not open the ICU common library.
The following files must be in the path described by
the environment variable "LIBPATH":
libicuuc34.a, libicudata34.a, libicui18n34.a ¬nlsui0_mt.c 1548| pid = 97839
LIBPATH is currently set to /usr/sap/NMP/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/NMP/hdbclient:/sapdb/clients/NMP/lib/lib64:/sapdb/clients/NMP/lib ¬
Your are having a IGS not start up issue after you implementing a new kernel version on SAP 7.2*_EXT Kernel.
Could not open the ICU common library. libicuuc34.a, libicudata34.a, libicui18n34.a , KBA , BC-OP-AS4 , IBM AS/400 , Problem
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