The issue of "Index checks returned as least one error as result" error "Check: Table-index relationship ()" in BWA. From transaction RSDDBIAMON2 the following is noticed:
SAP Business Warehouse Accelerator, BWA
SAP Business Warehouse 7.30
SAP Business Warehouse 7.31
SAP Business Warehouse 7.40
Business Warehouse, BW, Business Warehouse Accelerator, BWA, BIA, RSD TREX 413, 413, RSD_TREX452, RSD TREX452, 452, RSD_TREX 413, master data, indexes, indices, X table, RSDDBIAMON2, infoObject, infoObjects, InfoObject, infoobject. table index relation, table index relationship , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , BW-BEX-OT-BIA , BW Accelerator , BC-TRX , TREX , BC-TRX-ENG , TREX Engine , BC-TRX-EXP , BOE Explorer - Accelerated , BC-TRX-INF , TREX Infrastructure , BC-TRX-INS , TREX Installation , BC-TRX-SES , TREX Search Engine Service , Problem
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