SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2225496 - Compensation Management - Options for Checking breaks in the hierarchy



Options in confirming and troubleshooting hierarchy issues in Compensation.


- Compensation


The best way to check breaks in the hierarchy is always to start with a point of reference such as a manager or employee experiencing the issue. Then by looking at the UDF and tracing his/her hierarchy all the way to the head of hierarchy. This way you can trace it.

If you are using the Second Manager functionality you should to review the data file that has been loaded (employee export) to make sure the second manager hierarchy does not have any breaks in it.
Almost all of the issues with second manager not working correctly can be traced to a break in the second manager structure. Look at people reporting to non-active employees.

  • If using second manager functionality, make sure the top person in the second manager hierarchy has a blank in their SECOND_MANAGER field. They cannot have NO_MANAGER in there, it needs to be blank.

  • Other items to review:

    1. Make sure the steps in the routemap are valid. If the first step in the routemap is an "EX" step and there is not a matrix manager loaded, that would be the issue.

    2. Make sure there isn't anyone in the user import/export that has their Manager listed as no_manager (all in lower case vs. NO_MANAGER which is how it's supposed to be imported for "MANAGER" hierarchy).

    3. Find out a manager that was expected to have a form create, and an employee that they expect to see on the form.  Check to make sure that those employees are eligible for compensation. Check the COMPENSATION_ELIGIBLE, COMPENSATION_SALARY_ELIGIBLE, COMPENSATION_BONUS_ELIGIBLE and COMPENSATION_STOCK_ELIGIBLE fields.

    4. If you are using the TARGET fields (BONUS_TARGET, LUMPSUM_TARGET, MERIT_TARGET), make sure there is no text in the field of the employee import file. I have seen where a client put in N/A for employees who were not eligible for a lumpsum increase, and this caused the forms not to create. Make sure they put a 0 of Null value in there.

    5. Check to see if there are any commas in the fields of the import file. Do an export to see what has been loaded. If you see commas in the salary, target or other fields, this is likely the cause. Have them remove all comma's and reload. Even if you are trying to create a form for someone who does not have commas in their fields (but others do), it will cause this to occur. I think the system thinks they are fields and it throws off the structure of the file. It is recommend to open the exported file using a text editor so that you can see the commas or any extra characters/spaces, since Excel will reformat upon opening.

    6. Make sure there are no open tags in the instruction section of the XML. I have seen forms that had open tags or very complex html in the instruction sections of the xml that cause the forms not to create. Just remove it and test it. If it still does not fix the issue, put it back in and continue to troubleshoot other areas of the system. I have seen this issue cause the "Other Error" issue get generated in the log email.

    7. The compensation form rating source references a form-id that does not exist in the instance. If you will not be using a pm form within the compensation form, set it to -1.

    8. If you’re not using SECOND MANAGER, you can also validate the UDF.

      Export your UDF > save the file. Back to Import Employees >  select the UDF previously exported > click at ‘User Import Validate File Button’ and wait for the system validate it.
      You can check more about this option here.

    9. Another option is the troubleshooting options under the Define Planners session.

      Go to Compensation Home > Select the template > Plan Setup > Settings > Manage Users > Define Planners > search for the planner >  export users without managers and also export ineligible users.


All the options listed here are only possible resources to check your own hierarchy. Customer is the only responsible for creating and changing their hierarchy.

The action of review, discover and fix the hierarchy is of full responsibility of the customer.


See Also

2084007 - Admin 101 - Top 10 Reasons Why Worksheets Do Not Create and Troubleshooting Tips - Compensation

2076690 - Admin 101 - Top 10 Reasons Worksheets Wont Create - Variable Pay

2084843 - Reports - Detailed Report (Rollup Report) Not Working for Some. Export to MS Excel Fails - Compensation

2084768 - Error - The report could not be completed as requested due to insufficient permission - Compensation

2084831 - Error - You don't have permissions to report on this user. Please try another username - Compensation


  - hierarchy, break in the hierarchy, second manager , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP , Compensation Management , How To


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