The pregupgrade utility fails with the error: message 209, state 1, severity 16: Ambiguous column name id, as follows:
Please enter the password for 'sa'.
Logon Login succeeded. User: sa, Client IP address: ''.
Logon Login succeeded. User: sa, Client IP address: ''.
DBCC upgrade_object: Syntax checking PROCEDURE dbo.sp__xxxxx
DBCC upgrade_object: PROCEDURE dbo.sp__xxxxx syntax checked successfully.
Preupgrade Binary Version: Pre-Upgrade/16.0/EBF 22493 SMP/P/Sun_svr4/OS
5.10/asecepheus/3530/64-bit/OPT/Sun Feb 16 02:12:35 2014.
Preupgrade Version: 16.0.
Starting preupgrade of Adaptive Server.
Checking the server's configuration against new requirements.
Checking number of locks for stored procedure upgrade in all databases.
...Checked 214 configuration parameters; found no errors, no warnings.
Checking the server's max memory configuration against new requirements.
Checking the master device size against new requirements.
Database 'master' is online.
Database 'tempdb' is online.
Database 'model' is online.
Database 'xxxxx' is online.
Database 'xxxxx' is online.
Database 'xxxxx' is online.
Database 'xxxxx' is online.
Database 'sybsystemdb' is online.
Database 'sybsystemprocs' is online.
Database 'sybsecurity' is online.
Checking database status in all databases.
Checking existence of source text for compiled objects in all databases.
... Checking database 'master'.
Adaptive Server message 209, state 1, severity 16:
Ambiguous column name id
- SAP ASE Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5.4
- SAP ASE Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
upgrade, check, utility , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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