Creating and saving many users/principals with relations is slow.
If viewing the JDBC logs the following query can be seen taking a taking a lot of time:
SELECT item_t1.PK FROM pgrels item_t0 JOIN usergroups item_t1 ON item_t0.TargetPK = item_t1.PK
WHERE ( item_t0.Qualifier = ? AND item_t0.SourcePK = ? AND item_t0.languagepk IS NULL)
AND (item_t1.TypePkString IN (?,?,?,?,?) ) order by item_t0.SequenceNumber ASC , item_t0.PK ASC
SAP Commerce Cloud 2105 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2205 ; SAP Commerce Cloud 2211
Relationship, PrincipalGroupRelation, hybris , KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem
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