SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2227155 - Adding a new value for Readiness between two existing values


How to add new values to the Readiness scale, used to nominate users, without impacting existing nominations in the system?

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Succession Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. The current “Readiness” scale has the values "5+ years" (Score: 1), "3-5 years" (Score: 2), "1-2 years" (Score: 3) and "Ready Now" (Score: 4) defined in Admin Center > Rating Scale > Readiness:


  1. And in Provisioning > Org Chart XML:


  1. Brooke Brown has the successors Erin Eisley (Ready Now) and Felicia Ford (1-2 years) for her position:


  1. Now, the business requires the addition of a new value: “Less than a year”, to be added between “3-5 Years” and “5+ Years”;
  2. In Admin Center > Rating Scale > Readiness page, the new value is added accordingly:


  1. And in Provisioning > Org Chart XML, the new value code is added with an index color (Only Partner or Cloud Support access):


  1. After applying this change to the Readiness scale, all nominations previously added with the Readiness label “Ready Now” will start be showing with label “Less than a year”:



When applying changes to the existing “Readiness” scale, where the new value is added between two existing values - instead of the end of the scale -, will affect the existing nominations in the instance.

This happens because the system uses the score value of the Readiness scale to assign the readiness value to the successor. Since “Ready Now” was previously configured with score value "4", and it was changed to score value "5", any successors that were previously set as “Ready Now” were saved in the system with score value "4"; so the system understand that the label for the score value "4" was updated in the Readiness scale, and successors will display the label "Less than a year" in Succession Org Chart.

The system store the score value for the readiness selected for the successor, at the time the nomination was done.


To adjust the succession data, after changes are applied in the Readiness scale, where a new value is added between two existing values, it is necessary to run an Ad Hoc Report on all Nominations inside the instance and then update the Readiness rating for the nominations identified in the report, to reflect the correct value.

Identifying the data to be corrected

To identify the data to be corrected, we can use a report (such as ad hoc) to pull all nominations inside the instance:

  1. Go to the Reporting (Analytics) tab;
  2. Create a new report with the “Succession” domain;
    NOTE: Complete information on available Ad Hoc Reports for Succession Domain is available in the KBA 2378409 - Succession Management: Differences between the available Ad Hoc Reports.
  3. In "People" tab, refine criteria and select the option that better suits your needs. Usually it is used the option "Other Filters", that will retrieve everyone in logged-in's RBP target population;
  4. Under “Columns” tab, select the following columns: Position Code, Incumbent User ID, Incumbent First Name, Incumbent Last Name, Nominee User ID, Nominee First Name, Nominee Last Name, Nomination Readiness, Nomination Readiness Rating, Ranking (if enabled) and Note (if used). Any additional column that can help identifying the nominations to be adjusted later on, can be added:


Based on this report we can identify that, as example, we would need to change the readiness value of the nomination done for Erin Eisley, so the correct label would show (Ready Now) in Succession Org Chart. In order to clean up the data pulled by the report even further, we can also add a filter to only pull nominations that have a “Nomination Readiness Rating” of 4 (based on the scenario presented in this article), so the output would only show the data we actually need to change.

  1. In the Ad Hoc Report recently created to retrieve this data, go to the "Filters" tab;
  2. Refine Criteria and select the filter "Nomination Readiness Rating";
  3. Click "By My Selection", and specify the score value of the readiness scale:



Adjusting the Readiness Rating for the users

Now that the nominees that need to be updated have been identified, it is necessary to update their Readiness value using the “Import Successors” tool, to reflect the new changes in the scale:

  1. Go to Admin Center > Succession > Import Successors;
  2. Export the template available on this page;
  3. In order to UPDATE the existing Nomination, we will need to add to the template the values for the POSITION_CODE, READINESS and the SUCCESSOR_USERID. These values can all be retrieved from the report created.
  4. Based on this scenario, the successors template must be filled as below:


NOTE: Currently leaving the ACTION column as empty/ADD/UPDATE has no difference - system will try to update exist record first, if no record found, will create a new one.

  1. Once the import file is built, go back to the Import Successors functionality in Admin Center and upload the completed file.

Complete information on how to import successors is available in the KBA 2105083 - Succession Management - How to Import Successors.


readiness rating scale change modify add insert nominee nominees successor successors position incumbent node SOC v12 OrgChart Org Chart XML , KBA , LOD-SF-SCM-ADM , Admin Center, RBP, Permissions and Settings , LOD-SF-SCM-NOM , Nominations - Form Based and Formless , How To


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