Customer tries to generate the Compensation Statements for the employees of a specific template.
But for some reason they're not generated - the job fails and it doesn't inform him/her why
Error - The scheduled job failed to complete error in email notification when generating Compensation Statements
SuccessFactors Business Execution Suite - Compensation & Variable Pay
Go to the instance's backend > Monitor Jobs > Detail
In there you'll find a similar error line - it's informing there's an illegal value (e.g. 401k) that should have the attribute name.
"Error: TransformerException caught when transforming XML Data. Please check if the content of statement template is corrupted. More detail: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Illegal value: 401k used for QNAME attribute: name javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Illegal value: 401k used for QNAME attribute: name"
Go back to the customer's instance > Compensation Home > Action for all plans > Manage Statement Template > Select the Compensation Statement used (e.g. test test 401k)
See that there's a field named as 401k - just like mentioned in the error line in the instance's backend.
PS: they're the same for this example, but it doesn't mean that with the customer will be the same.
Go to the affected template (e.g. # Test - 11change manager) > Plan Setup > Design Worksheet > Check the Column ID of the field 401k: it's also 401k.
That's the issue. The Column ID cannot start with a number.
Everytime you want to add a field to a statement, you have to make sure that the Column ID of this field starts with a letter, and not a number. Otherwise the statement will fail.
Change the Column ID to, e.g. a401k.
PS: the forms have to be relaunched.
Relaunch the forms > Generate the statements again
Statements are generated correctly.
See Also
2085134 / Statements - Not Generating for Some Poeple - Compensation:
2136022 / Statements - Adding Custom Fields to Statements - Compensation:
Compensation Statements, template, Column ID, forms. , KBA , LOD-SF-CMP-FRM , Forms & Templates , Problem