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2228706 - Incorrect entries in /SYCLO/MBL01 table or Status change is not prossible from device - SAP Work Manager


  1. Installed SAP Work Manager 6.0 with ERP Addon 610_700 SP01.
  2. Upgraded Addon from SP01 to 610_700 SP05.
  3. Create and Dispatch Work Order from SAP ECC to Mobile User.
  4. User Received Work Order and change to different Status "eg: RQAP".
  5. Verify the status in ECC /SYCLO/MBL01 table, status updated as expected.
  6. Dispatcher remove work order user status from ECC and send to the user for re-work "eg: Removed/unchecked RQAP from user status".
  7. Work order received by the user with "RECEIVED" status, but could not change to different status "eg: RQAP".
  8. User can't change the status buttons are disabled from the client.
  9. Perform a Transmit.
  10. Observed another row in ECC table /SYCLO/MBL01 with status "STARTED", even though no status has been changed from device.




SAP Work Manager 6.0.0


SAP Work Manager 6.0.0


"ERP Addon", "/SYCLO/MBL01", "/SMERP/PM_MOBSTAT_SYNC_PROG", Transmit, "System Status", "Status mapping table" , KBA , status mapping table , erp addon , transmit , system status , MOB-SYC-SAP-WM , Syclo SAP Work Manager Application , Problem

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