When attempting to run a data manager package from the EPM Add-in , the following error message is displayed as soon as the package is selected:
" Exception Error Description= System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject(String ProgId, String ServerName) at
SAP.BPC.Services.Application.DataMgr.Server.Resource.ObjCreate(String strClass, String FileNameAndJobName, String& sErrMsg)(Assembly: OSoftDMDTSXExecute.dll, Object:
The following error is logged in the tblLogs table in the Appserver database:
==============[System Error Tracing]==============
[System Name] : /SAP/BPC/DataManager.svc
[Message Type] : ErrorMessage
[Job Name] : GetPrompt
[DateTime] : 10/09/2015 12:52:10
[UserId] : IMQ.DOM\instalador
DetailMsg : {System.Exception: Exception Error Description= System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject(String ProgId, String ServerName)
at SAP.BPC.Services.Application.DataMgr.Server.Resource.ObjCreate(String strClass, String FileNameAndJobName, String& sErrMsg)(Assembly: OSoftDMDTSXExecute.dll, Object: OSoft.Services.Application.DataMgr.PackageExecute.DTSX)
at SAP.BPC.Services.Application.DataMgr.Server.Handler.GetPrompt(PACKAGE_GET_PROMPT_REQUEST oRequest, PACKAGE_GET_PROMPT_RESPONSE& oResponse, String sUserID, String sAppset, String sApp, String sPacakgeId, String& sErrorMSG)
at SAP.BPC.Services.Webservice.DataManager.GetPrompt(PACKAGE_GET_PROMPT_REQUEST oRequest, String appset, String application, String packageid)}
==============[System Error Tracing End ]==============
- Business Planning and Consolidation version 10.1 for Microsoft
- SQL Server 2008 or above
data manager packages migration , KBA , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , Problem
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