The Product ID does not get copied when creating an internal Ticket from within an Opportunity.
Reproducing the Issue
Prerequisite: An opportunity with at least one product with a Product ID 123 (123 represents the Product ID) attached.
- Go to the Sales work centre.
- Go to the Opportunity view.
- Select All, open any opportunity ABC (ABC represents the opportunity ID).
- Go to the Tickets facet.
- Create a new Ticket by clicking New.
Result: The pop-up for the new ticket does not show the Product ID copied from the opportunity.
This is current expected system behaviour.
An opportunity can have several products maintained, however not all of these products will necessarily be needed within the created ticket.
If this functionality is needed for daily business, you can create a PDI using the Cloud Application Studio or contact the Service Centre (which is fee-based).
KBA , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , Product Enhancement