Spools are delayed in the system and one of the following messages is written repeatedly to the SM21 system log for the duration of the problem:
- Q0 H Error adding a request to the dispatcher queue ( SPO)
- OR - - FB U Internal Job Queue Full for Synchronous Processing of Print Requests
The following may also be written to the SPO WP trace file:
- M ThRqCheckSpoolQueue: spool request queue exceeds its limit
M (queued spool requests = 601, spool request limit = 600)
S *** ERROR => ThRqCheckSpoolQueue error - cannot send msg (P) to <instance> [rspoac1.c 3889]
- OR - - S *** ERROR => overflow of internal job queue [rspowunx.c 788]
SAP NetWeaver All Releases
Spool, Print, Printing, SP01, SPO, WP, Work Process, Spool Overflow, Queue, Requests, rspo/global_shm/job_list, Profile Parameter, Q0H, FBU, Internal Job Queue Full for Synchronous Processing of Print Requests, Error adding a request to the dispatcher queue, ThRqCheckSpoolQueue: spool request queue exceeds its limit, ERROR => overflow of internal job queue [rspowunx.c 788], (queued spool requests = 601, spool request limit = 600), ERROR => ThRqCheckSpoolQueue error - cannot send msg (P) to <instance> [rspoac1.c 3889] , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , Problem
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