- You are experiencing backup issues in SAP HANA.
- In backup.log file, you can see one of the following errors:
ERROR BACKUP SAVE DATA finished with error: [447] backup could not be completed, [110503] Backint cannot execute /usr/sap/BCK/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint, No such file or directory (2)
ERROR LOGBCKUP state of service: indexserver, <hostname>:<port>, volume: 3, Backint cannot execute /usr/sap/BCK/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint, No such file or directory (2)
SAP HANA, platform edition
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
Backup failing, volume, log, BackupLogError , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , How To
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