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2233853 - SMP 3.0 Cockpit SAP Backend empty or blank - Application definitions failed to load - Agentry - Work Manager 6.2 and SMP 3.0 SP09


  • Implementing SAP Work Manager 6.2 into SMP server
  • During the deployment process in the SAP Mobile Platform Cockpit, an error occurs and the application does not run properly or the SAP Backend is not properly populated

~~~~In the Events.log:~~~~~

10/21/2015 17:25:47, 0,         0,         2, Thr       1600, Agentry Startup
10/21/2015 17:25:47, 0,         1,         4, Thr       1600, Agentry Server Agent v130.9.0.3
10/21/2015 17:25:47, 0,        20,       150, Thr       5576, Loading Development application definitions
10/21/2015 17:25:56, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, HTTPXML-2, Chickaming HTTPXML, xmlAllowXSLTScript, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:56, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, HTTPXML-2, Chickaming HTTPXML, xmlResolveExternals, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:56, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, HTTPXML-2, Chickaming HTTPXML, xmlValidateOnParse, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:57, 0,        24,         4, Thr       5576, Loaded HTTP-XML Back End (HTTPXML v130.9.0.3) from ag3httpxmlbe.dll
10/21/2015 17:25:57, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, Java-1, Chickaming Java, initialHeapSize, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:57, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, Java-1, Chickaming Java, maxHeapSize, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:57, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, Java-1, Chickaming Java, reduceOSSignalUse, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:57, 1,         3,         9, Thr       5576, Java-1, Chickaming Java, nonStandardJavaOptions, File: , ..\agentry\SystemLogger.cpp#812:DTLoggerHandler::badKey
10/21/2015 17:25:59, 1,        20,        18, Thr       5576, JAVA EXCEPTION CAUGHT: com.syclo.agentry.AgentryException:
10/21/2015 17:25:59, 0,        20,       151, Thr       5576, Application definitions failed to load.  Either the publish has not completed or there is a server misconfiguration.  Please check server log for details.



~~~~In the ServerName-smp-server.log~~~~

2015 10 21 17:25:59#0-200#ERROR#System.err###Agentry Dev Def Load Loop Thread######## at<init>( |
2015 10 21 Dev Def Load Loop Thread########Exception: 17:25:59 10/21/2015 : 20 (Agentry3), JavaBackEndError (JAVA EXCEPTION CAUGHT: com.syclo.agentry.AgentryException: ),




  • SAP Mobile Platform 3.0
  • SAP Work Manager 6.2.0


SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 ; SAP Work Manager 6.2.0


Cockpit, SMP , KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem

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