- The <Username> passed by Afaria Client for Channel Assignments and/or Authentication is not the <InteractiveUserName>.
- The interactive user name (the user account currently logged on to the desktop) is not logged as the user for the Session in the Session History Logs when running an Afaria Win32 Client is installed to run as a service. The account recorded is the account specified during the installation for the Afaria Client Service of the Windows Client, otherwise know as the service account.
- There is a need to have the <InteractiveUserName> variable to the non-logged on user.
SAP Afaria
SAP Afaria 6.6 ; SAP Afaria 7.0
assignments, authentication, login, logon,user, name, domain, logged, credentials, interactive user name, registry, override, overridden, cookie, usrprops , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , Problem
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