While running the switch procedure in the Integration Engine, in order to delete messages from the database, messages that are in non final status or still in retention period are getting deleted as well.
There are three pre-requisites for deleting/archiving messages in PI:
- The age of the message has to be older than the retention period;
- Message status has to be final;
- Adapter status has to be final.
However, even if the three conditions are not attended, messages are still getting deleted.
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
SXMSCLUR, SXMSCLUP, SXMSCLUR2, SXMSCLUP2, table, missing, earlier, too, early, persistent, duration, time, archived, archiving, PI, XI, process integration, dual stack, abap, job, switch, switch procedure, delete, deleting, deleted, deletion, SM37, 007, 014, non final, final, adapter, status, persist, retention period, before, not final, Integration Engine, RSXMB_SWITH_PROCEDURE, report, message, deleted, SXMB_MONI , KBA , BC-XI-IS-IEN , Integration Engine , BC-XI-IS , Integration Server , Problem
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