SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2237484 - How to unfollow or mute specific feed items?


How to unfollow or mute specific feed items?


SAP Jam Collaboration.


On the Home or group feed, you can now mute feed activity for a single feed item so that you no longer see future updates for that specific thread (for example, replies to a comment). Corresponding e-mail and bell notifications are also muted.

To mute feed activity for a specific item:

  1. Go to the feed activity you want to mute, click the drop-down that appears on the top right corner, and then select Mute.
  2. The message prompt "Are you sure you would like to mute this thread?" appears. When you click OK, the feed item immediately disappears from the feed.

To mute activity from a single item view:

  1. Go to the single item view for the feed item and choose More > Mute.
  2. The message prompt "Are you sure you would like to mute this thread?" appears. When you click OK, the feed item immediately disappears.


SAP Jam Feed, mute feed, mute feed jam, unfollow feed, mute feed item, unfollow feed item. , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , LOD-SF-JAM-FED , Feed Issues , How To


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