SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2238778 - Page Break Between Records is not working with HTML report format


When running a report that will output in HTML and the options of 'Page Break Between Records' is checked, the report does not have page breaks.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Access Learning Administration
  2. Proceed to Reports
  3. Choose a non-CSV report which will have numerous records such as the Item Status by Users report
  4. Choose the Report Format as HTML
  5. Check the 'Page Break Between Records'
  6. Run the report


HTML does not output page breaks as an HTML page can continuously load.


  1. Access Learning Administration
  2. Proceed to Reports
  3. Choose a non-CSV report which will have numerous records such as the Item Status by Users report
  4. Choose the Report Format as PDF
  5. Check the 'Page Break Between Records'
  6. Run the report


report html pdf page break between records no pages output sf lms , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions