A customer attempts to use Job Information History Make Correction to most recent history record and finds the manager field is blank and the existing manager cannot be found in the field search. The most recent Job Information History shows the manager change to the current manager. All direct reports of this manager have the same problem when attempting to edit their Job Information History for the most recent record.
The existing manager displays properly and is searchable when attempting to Insert New Record (Job Information History) for the current date. The same is true when using Take Action, Employment Information. The manager's direct reports all display correctly in the Org Chart.
In this case, the effective date of the manager change for each of the direct reports is prior to the first day worked (start date) of the new manager. For example, the direct reports all showed the manager change on October 1st. However, the start date of the new manager shows October 3rd, or 2 days after the effective date fo the manager transfer.
In this scenario, the customer was attempting to make a correction to an effective dated record that preceeded the effective date of the first day worked of the new manager. In this case, the adminstrator originally had entered the start date (first day worked) of the new manager as October 1st, then the direct reports were assigned with the same effective date. Then the administrator later made a correction to the manager start date to October 3rd. The current date when attempting to make the changes was after October 3rd so the effective date was in force so any change with an effective date beginning October 3rd or later would work fine.
However, since the administrator was attempting to correct the job information history for a record with an effective date that preceeded the effective date of the manager being an active employee the system did not display the manager, which is expected behavior.
To resolve the problem the Job History for the effective manager change for each direct report employee of the new manager needed to be corrected (Job History, Make Correction) such that the effective date of the manager transfer reflected the same effective date as the start date (first day worked) of the new manager. In this case, changing the effective date of the manager transfer to October 3rd resolved the prroblem.
KBA , LOD-SF-EC-JOB-UI , History UI & MSS UI , Problem