Item details such as quantity, price etc. cannot be changed for an A2X Sales Order (created via the web service) which has the payment method external payment. It is not possible to remove an item and when adding an item the following warning message is displayed: Manual addition of items not allowed for external payment
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales Orders work center.
- Select the Sales Orders view.
- Open the Sales Order XYZ (where XYZ represents the Sales Order ID).
- Navigate to the General tab.
- You can see that the Payment Method is External Payment.
- Go to the Items tab.
- You can see that the quantity and list price is read only and cannot be changed.
- Further the Remove button is also not enabled.
- When you add an item the following warning message is displayed: Manual addition of items not allowed for external payment.
A2X sales orders with external payments cannot be edited, because in this case the items have already been paid externally. In this case it is not allowed to change any pricing relevant details in the sales order such as quantity, list price, discount etc since the sales order and sales order item amount needs to match the external payment.
This is the expected system behaviour.
You have to ensure that the sales order is created with the correct data via the web service.
If the sales order XYZ was created with incorrect data it can only be cancelled via the reason for rejection.
See Also
KBA 2411693 - For External Payment Sales Order, There is no Possibility to Change the Price Components
A2X, external payment, grayed out, remove, sales order, web service, cannot change , KBA , AP-SLO , Sales Order Processing , How To